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Year of the Dragon: Soaring Towards Success and Transformation

The dawn of a new year always brings emotions of renewal, opportunities, and unlimited possibilities. But this year, there's something even more special on the horizon: the beginning of the Japanese Year of the Dragon!

In Japanese culture, the dragon is a powerful symbol, always associated with wisdom, longevity, and transformation. This year promises to be an extraordinary time to soar towards our dreams with the energy of the dragon by our side.

The history of Japanese dragons originates from Chinese mythology and was introduced to Japan in the 8th century by the Japanese who studied in China. The Japanese and Chinese dragon styles have a camel-like head, a serpentine body covered in carp scales, deer-like horns, and tiger legs ending in eagle claws. However, there's a notable difference: the Japanese dragon is depicted with three claws, while the Chinese dragon is attributed five. Additionally, it's represented without wings and with claws instead of legs, diverging quite significantly from the European dragon stereotype that soars in the air with gigantic wings and breathes fire. Furthermore, in Japanese imagery, this reptile is primarily depicted inhabiting aquatic environments like seas and rivers, as we can appreciate through countless works of art. Such is the association of this mythical being with water that in Japan, it's beseeched to bring rain to nurture the land, especially in times of drought.

Dragons, aquatic creatures, help purify visitors to Buddhist temples,
so crowded during the first days of the year

According to Japanese mythology, this creature has the supreme power to metamorphose, able to elongate its body or even become invisible, as well as assume human form. Hence, it's associated simultaneously with the capacity for transformation and positive change, propelling personal evolution through its dynamic and potent energy.

Traditionally in Japanese culture, the dragon is considered a wise being possessing profound knowledge. Additionally, it's attributed with perseverance, longevity, and immortality, making it a symbol of success, good fortune, prosperity, and protection, safeguarding against misfortunes in times of calamity. Despite embodying the strength, power, and unpredictability of nature, occasionally posing a danger to humans, the dragon is a sign of good fortune due to its ability to grant wishes and generally appears benevolent.

It's worth noting that historically, the dragon has been an emblem of imperial power in Japan. In the past, emperors were believed to descend from the dragon due to its connection with Otohime, the dragon goddess and simultaneously the grandmother of the legendary first emperor Jimmu, thus linking the established imperial lineage with this mythical creature. For this reason, many people consider the dragon to symbolize, in addition to the aforementioned attributes, authority, nobility, and a connection to the divine.

Join us throughout this year so full of possibilities, transformation, and success, and may the figure of the dragon inspire us to reach new heights and embark on a journey full of accomplishments!


Did you know that... in Japan, those born during the year of the dragon are often considered individuals endowed with exceptional characteristics, with the ability to achieve great things and have a significant impact on society?

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