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Regarding international shipping


    We ship our products Worldwide*!

    All packages are either shipped from Japan or from a EU or US warehouse. Shipping origin will depend on the location of buyer and/or availability of stock. Buyers will be notified of shipping origin after purchase is completed. Every buyer will receive a tracking number on the day their package is shipped, regardless of origin country.


    All packages being shipped from Japan need to be signed at time of delivery. If you have not received your package within the expected delivery time, please first check your tracking number; your package may be waiting to be picked up at your local post office.

In order to receive your purchase as quickly and easily as possible, please include your full name (first and last name) and provide us with an address other than a PO Box.


Items starting from this destination will take approximately 7 – 10 days to receive.
(Shipping time is not guaranteed.)**

Items starting from this destination will take approximately 3 – 7 days to receive.
(Shipping time is not guaranteed.)**

*Please note that shipments may be delayed due to the situation in your country or even cancelled. We will contact you in case your order can not be shipped.
**Faster shipping service is available for an additional charge. Some of the products we distribute (such as katana, cosmetics, etc.) CANNOT be shipped by express courier services such as DHL International Express, so your order may take a little longer.
Please contact us for more information.