Halloween Children's Ninja Uniform / Martial Art Costume! Black/Red (Red, 2L) CLEARANCE USA
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∴ Ninja were mercenaries who specialized in covert warfare, and were available for hire by anyone who had the means to pay for their services. As such they thrived during the Sengoku (warring states) period of Japanese history, when nationwide government broke down, and Japan was subjected to almost continual fighting between rival warlords. This period began in the mid fifteenth century, and continued until Tokugawa Ieyasu unified Japan under his rule at the beginning of the seventeenth century.
∴ Please note that the actual colors may be slightly different depending on the setting of your monitor's light.
- Elastic,Cotton
- Full Face Mask (easy to breathe through)
- Head Band (can be read as both SPY or ENDURE)
- Jacket with String Ties (Backside: writing reads Ninja in both Japanese and English-Roman letters)
- Neck Tie, Waist Belt, Hand Gauntlets (with finger loops)
- Pants with Leg and Ankle String Ties (elastic waist and ankle bands)